21.3. HOW TO: Extract additional metadata from the web page of a digitised work#

The viewers you use to examine digitised resources in Trove embed some metadata that isn’t available through the Trove API. This includes a JSON-ified version of the item’s MARC record (presumably copied from the NLA catalogue), as well as structural information used by the viewer itself, such as a list of pages in a digitised book.

This metadata can be useful in a number of different contexts. For example, you can extract the number of pages in a digitised book, then use this number to automatically download the full text or a PDF. The GLAM Workbench includes an example where geospatial coordinates are extracted from the MARC data to add to a harvest of digitised maps.

import json
import re

import requests
from IPython.display import JSON

work_id = "https://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-362059651/"

# Get the HTML page
response = requests.get(work_id)

# Search for the JSON string using regex
    work_data = re.search(
        r"var work = JSON\.parse\(JSON\.stringify\((\{.*\})", response.text
except AttributeError:
    # Just in case it's not there...
    work_data = "{}"
    print("No data found!")

# Load the JSON data
data = json.loads(work_data)

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 'startDate': '01 January 1945',
 'creator': 'Salisbury, Robert Cecil, marquess of, 1830-1903. 338373 9112d83c-f87f-5a34-a022-bea98d9ee823',
 'extent': '32 p., [20] p. of plates : ill. ; 18 cm.',
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     {'id': '36206173', 'page': 'nla.obj-362061731'},
     {'id': '36206186', 'page': 'nla.obj-362061862'},
     {'id': '36206199', 'page': 'nla.obj-362061995'},
     {'id': '36206212', 'page': 'nla.obj-362062124'},
     {'id': '36206225', 'page': 'nla.obj-362062250'},
     {'id': '36206238', 'page': 'nla.obj-362062384'},
     {'id': '36206251', 'page': 'nla.obj-362062514'},
     {'id': '36206264', 'page': 'nla.obj-362062649'},
     {'id': '36206277', 'page': 'nla.obj-362062779'},
     {'id': '36206290', 'page': 'nla.obj-362062905'},
     {'id': '36206303', 'page': 'nla.obj-362063031'},
     {'id': '36206316', 'page': 'nla.obj-362063165'},
     {'id': '36206329', 'page': 'nla.obj-362063296'},
     {'id': '36206342', 'page': 'nla.obj-362063426'},
     {'id': '36206355', 'page': 'nla.obj-362063555'},
     {'id': '36206368', 'page': 'nla.obj-362063681'},
     {'id': '36206381', 'page': 'nla.obj-362063813'},
     {'id': '36206394', 'page': 'nla.obj-362063942'},
     {'id': '36206407', 'page': 'nla.obj-362064075'},
     {'id': '36206420', 'page': 'nla.obj-362064205'},
     {'id': '36206433', 'page': 'nla.obj-362064331'},
     {'id': '36206446', 'page': 'nla.obj-362064462'},
     {'id': '36206459', 'page': 'nla.obj-362064599'},
     {'id': '36206472', 'page': 'nla.obj-362064729'},
     {'id': '36206485', 'page': 'nla.obj-362064858'},
     {'id': '36206498', 'page': 'nla.obj-362064987'},
     {'id': '36206511', 'page': 'nla.obj-362065113'},
     {'id': '36206524', 'page': 'nla.obj-362065244'},
     {'id': '36206537', 'page': 'nla.obj-362065373'},
     {'id': '36206550', 'page': 'nla.obj-362065503'},
     {'id': '36206563', 'page': 'nla.obj-362065633'},
     {'id': '36206576', 'page': 'nla.obj-362065767'},
     {'id': '36206589', 'page': 'nla.obj-362065894'},
     {'id': '36206602', 'page': 'nla.obj-362066023'},
     {'id': '36206615', 'page': 'nla.obj-362066153'},
     {'id': '36206628', 'page': 'nla.obj-362066287'},
     {'id': '36206641', 'page': 'nla.obj-362066417'},
     {'id': '36206654', 'page': 'nla.obj-362066547'},
     {'id': '36206667', 'page': 'nla.obj-362066673'},
     {'id': '36206680', 'page': 'nla.obj-362066807'},
     {'id': '36206693', 'page': 'nla.obj-362066935'},
     {'id': '36205977', 'page': 'nla.obj-362059771'}]}],
  'book': [],
  'volume': [],
  'other': []},
 'topLevelCollection': 'nla.obj-362059651'}

Get information about pages#

Depending on the format, the children field can contain information about pages, chapters, and articles contained within the digitised work. Books and periodical issues should include page data. To find the number of pages, you just need to get the length of the page list.

# How many pages are there?

If you want to get the identifiers for each individual page, just loop through the list of pages saving the pid value.

page_ids = [p["pid"] for p in data["children"]["page"]]

These page identifiers can be used to download images of the pages.

Get MARC catalogue data#

The MARC data is contained in the marcData field. This field can contain multiple records – the main metadata is contained in the Bibliographic record. To retrieve a value you need to know the MARC tag and subfield for the field you’re interested in. You can then loop through the datafield list until you find the tag and subfield, and extract the value from the content field.

The functions below will extract the value of a given MARC tag and subfield from the embedded metadata.

def find_field_content(record, tag, subfield):
    Loop through a MARC record looking for tag/subfield.
    If found, return the subfield value.
        for field in record["datafield"]:
            if str(field["tag"]) == tag:
                if isinstance(field["subfield"], list):
                    for sfield in field["subfield"]:
                        if sfield["code"] == subfield:
                            return sfield["content"]
                    if field["subfield"]["code"] == subfield:
                        return field["subfield"]["content"]
    except (KeyError, TypeError):
    return None

def get_marc_field(work_data, tag, subfield):
    Find the Bibliographic record in the MARC data and find the value
    of a given tag and subfield.
    if "marcData" in work_data and work_data["marcData"]:
        for record in work_data["marcData"]["record"]:
            if record["leader"]["type"] == "Bibliographic":
                value = find_field_content(record, tag, subfield)
    return value

For example, the main title of a work is in MARC tag 245, subfield a.

get_marc_field(data, "245", "a")
"Lord Robert Cecil's gold fields diary /"

The subfield c contains a ‘statement of responsibility’.

get_marc_field(data, 245, "c")