Contributing to the Trove Data Guide

Contributing to the Trove Data Guide#

The Trove Data guide will continue to expand and evolve over time. Your contributions are very welcome!

Share and reuse#

The Trove Data Guide is openly licensed to encourage reuse. Feel free to copy content into your own teaching or research training materials. If you find something useful, please share it with others!

Contribute ideas#

If you have ideas for new topics or tutorials add them to the Trove Data Guide’s Ideas Board.

Report errors#

If you notice technical problems or content errors raise an issue in the GitHub repository.

Add or edit content#

The Trove Data Guide is developed using Jupyter Book. Content is created in a series of Jupyter notebooks that are rendered as static HTML pages by the build process. If you want to contribute content you’ll need to set up a Python virtual environment running Jupyter Book.

  • Fork the Trove Data Guide GitHub repository.

  • Clone the forked repository to your own computer, eg:
    git clone[your-user-name]/trove-data-guide.git

  • Move into the new directory:
    cd trove-data-guide

  • Create a Python virtual environment. I use pyenv and pyenv-virtualenv to create and manage Python versions and environments, eg:
    pyenv virtualenv 3.10.12 trove-data-guide

  • Activate the virtual environment:
    pyenv local trove-data-guide

  • Install pip-tools:
    pip install pip tools

  • Install all the necessary Python packages from the requirements.txt file:
    pip-sync requirements.txt

  • You can now start Jupyter Lab to create and edit content:
    jupyter lab

  • Run the build command to render your changes in Jupyter Book:
    jb build .

  • The build command will display a link to open the Jupyter Book in your browser.

  • Commit your changes using git, then push them to your fork on GitHub.

  • Create a pull request to contribute your changes to the Trove Data Guide.