Contributing to the Trove Data Guide

Contributing to the Trove Data Guide#

The Trove Data guide will continue to expand and evolve over time. Your contributions are very welcome!

Share ideas#

If you have ideas for new topics or tutorials add them to the Trove Data Guide’s Ideas Board.

Report errors#

If you notice technical problems or content errors raise an issue in the GitHub repository.

Add or edit content#

The Trove Data Guide is developed using Jupyter Book. Content is created in a series of Jupyter notebooks that are rendered as static HTML pages by the build process. If you want to contribute content you’ll need to set up a Python virtual environment running Jupyter Book.

  • Fork the Trove Data Guide GitHub repository.

  • Clone the forked repository to your own computer, eg:
    git clone[your-user-name]/trove-data-guide.git

  • Move into the new directory:
    cd trove-data-guide

  • Create a Python virtual environment. I use pyenv and pyenv-virtualenv to create and manage Python versions and environments, eg:
    pyenv virtualenv 3.10.12 trove-data-guide

  • Activate the virtual environment:
    pyenv local trove-data-guide

  • Install pip-tools:
    pip install pip tools

  • Install all the necessary Python packages from the requirements.txt file:
    pip-sync requirements.txt

  • You can now start Jupyter Lab to create and edit content:
    jupyter lab

  • Run the build command to render your changes in Jupyter Book:
    jb build .

  • The build command will display a link to open the Jupyter Book in your browser.

  • Commit your changes using git, then push them to your fork on GitHub.

  • Create a pull request to contribute your changes to the Trove Data Guide.