About this Guide

About this Guide#

The Trove Data Guide is being developed by Tim Sherratt as part of the ARDC Community Data Lab.

The published version is available at: https://tdg.glam-workbench.net.

The Trove Data Guide received investment from the Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC). The ARDC is funded by the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS).

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GLAM Workbench#

The Trove Data Guide is a companion to the Trove sections of the GLAM Workbench. While the GLAM Workbench provides tools and examples for working with data from Trove, this Guide digs deeper into the complexities to help researchers develop a critical understanding of Trove data – its limits and its possibilities.

Development and feedback#

More content will be added to the Trove Data Guide over coming months. To view work-in-progress see the development version and the project’s GitHub repository.

Ideas, corrections, and new content are very welcome – find out more about contributing to the Trove Data Guide.

Cite as#

Sherratt, T. (2024). Trove Data Guide. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12216708